The service is temporarily unavailable

This service is temporarily unavailable. We are very sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. We are working to get the service up and running as quickly as possible. Please feel free to try later. If you need help now, do not hesitate to contact ALD customer service.

Contact ALD customer service

Phone: +45 3355 8000

Emergency aid within Danmark

Falck +45 8024 0000
(please check with your fleet administrator if you have a Falck subscription).

Inform Falck the car license number and one of the following two subscription numbers:

Passenger car and vans: 19530439
Cargo and vans > 3500 kg: 19500605

Emergency aid abroad

Via SOS International +45 7010 5050

In case of mechanical damage or damage covered by the car's insurance while driving abroad, please contact SOS International.

Blocking of fuel card

If your fuel card is lost within normal opening hours, contact ALD's customer service on phone +45 3355 8050. Outside normal opening hours, the fuel company is contacted.

Shell Business: +45 7010 2500
Circle K: +45 7012 4242
Uno-X Energi (YX): +45 8020 1234
Q8: +45 7012 8888
OK A.m.b.a.: +45 8932 2211