If you need roadside assistance

Even the newest, most advanced car can run into problems, and often at the most inconvenient moments. Therefore, ALD offers Falck-coverage as a supplement to your leasing contract.

When you need roadside assistance

If a Falck subscription is part of your leasing contract, you can contact Falck if necessary. You can find relevant telephone numbers for Falck and ALD here.

Reliable roadside assistance

Roadside assistance can be linked to your leasing agreement. We take out a Falck subscription with "BIL PLUS" cover, which includes assistance for any breakdown or accident that prevents the vehicle from running.

Assistance is provided as:

  • On-site repair
  • Towing to workshop or another destination in Denmark
  • Recovery/pulling free of the vehicle
  • Starting help
  • Wheel change
  • Delivery of fuel and spare parts
  • Help to reload freight in the event of breakdown
  • Replacement vehicle at advantageous ALD prices

NB! A first-aid box is not included